For listeners of WCBM’s “The Savvy Investor” Show


Thanks for listening to Doug Goldstein, CFP® talk about risk tolerance and other financial planning ideas on Mike Canet’s show, “The Savvy Investor.”

As promised, there’s a special gift for you at the bottom of this page.

But first, if you like what you heard on Mike’s show, sign up to learn more at the Rich As A King blog.

To thank you for signing up, we’ll

  • alert you when we’ve posted a great idea or published a podcast
  • let you know when the book is available for sale
  • send you a free gift, The Grandmaster’s Toolbox, a compendium of Susan and Doug’s favorite online resources for success. Watch this 25 second video about the book:





For listeners of WCBM’s “The Savvy Investor” Show

As mentioned in Doug’s interview on WCBM 680 AM – Watch the free video mentioned on the show

If you buy Rich As A King: How the Wisdom of Chess Can Make You a Grandmaster of Investing, you also get access to the Rich As a King free video courses (36 of them, in fact).

But  WCBM  listeners get access to a free video, even without buying the book.

Watch this 7-minute video on Monte Carlo Simulations where Doug explains the mistakes that people make using “average annual return” to prepare their financial plans. Learn about one of the most important financial planning tools used today.

Why financial planners use Monte Carlo Simulations from Douglas Goldstein on Vimeo.