Computers are excellent tools to help determine the next move. A chess computer program runs millions of calculations, determines whether one sequence of tactics has a slightly higher point value than another, and then makes a move. When a computer is playing chess, it’s playing a different game from human chess. Humans lost this race against computers a long time ago. But that’s OK. Do you feel bad that you can’t run faster than a sports car in the Indianapolis 500?

How do computers teach skills?

In the chess world, computers are best used for training. You can find resources like games databases, instructional chess videos and articles, software and analytical engines, and innumerable related websites. Be aware, though, that training with computers might make you focus too much on repetition and memorization as opposed to understanding. In fact, beginners often waste their time staring at screens. They learn tricks without comprehension. They may play positions over and over again, getting good at one track, but that is more like a video game than a match of intelligence. They develop breadth, but not depth of understanding.

Use computer chess programs to help practice endgame tactics, check a specific line of thinking, or hone your skills at acting under pressure. But these programs should not be a substitute for playing with others. Similarly, refer to the internet to research investments, and take advantage of financial planning software to guide you in your decision making, but do not replace yourself as the ultimate decision maker.

If you want to know more about how chess can teach you money skills, click here.