by Doug Goldstein CFP® | Aug 4, 2016 | Chess Strategies, Strategic Thinking
Here are three commonly used chess strategies that can be applied to both chess and investing: Never give up Chess Playing chess can be challenging. Sometimes you may feel as if winning a game is an elusive goal. Yet, even in these difficult situations, don’t give up.... Click for more
by Doug Goldstein CFP® | Jun 23, 2016 | Strategic Thinking
Though focusing and goal-setting will certainly help you hit a target, when aiming for financial success it is sometimes impractical to go straight for your main goal. For instance, when a grandmaster sees that her opponent has built a mighty blockade around his king,... Click for more
by Douglas Goldstein | Apr 19, 2016 | Decision Making, Podcasts, Strategic Thinking
Set a goal, and get motivated to reach your goal by listening to the amazing story of Grandmaster Susan Polgar’s childhood, being homeschooled under the tough conditions of Communist Hungary. Discover what STRATegic goals are and how adopting this system of goal... Click for more
by Douglas Goldstein | Apr 5, 2016 | Decision Making, Podcasts, Strategic Thinking
What’s the truth behind “free offers”? Many “free offers” are scams and contain a hidden agenda. Do you know anyone who “won” a free offer only to find out the offer wasn’t free, or wasn’t what was promised? Listen to this financial podcast to hear a true story about... Click for more
by Doug Goldstein CFP® | Mar 3, 2016 | Inspirational Quotes, Strategic Thinking
This week, March 1, 2016, the 100th episode of the Rich As A King podcast went live! We’re celebrating the 100th Rich As A King podcast by giving you a free gift! Click here to download a poster book with chess quotes and cartoons. It’s ordinarily $9.99, but to... Click for more
by Doug Goldstein CFP® | Feb 25, 2016 | Blog, Strategic Thinking
While it may be easy enough to know what goal you want to achieve, actually getting it done is another matter. The perennial example is The Diet… which always starts tomorrow. While you may sincerely want to lose weight, if you are like most folks, there is a... Click for more