by Douglas Goldstein | Oct 3, 2017 | Chess Strategies, Podcasts, Strategic Thinking |
Do you use a defensive strategy when you play chess or manage your finances? Chess grandmasters use defensive tactics to prevent their opponents from having any chance of successful attack. Listen to this podcast to get tactics you can use to defend your investments, as well as your chess pieces. The opposite of being defensive is being aggressive. Listen to The Goldstein on Gelt Show from 10/2/17 to get the free download “You Don’t Even Know How Aggressive an Investor You Really... Click for more
by Douglas Goldstein | Sep 19, 2017 | Chess Strategies, Financial Plan, Podcasts |
What are three financial moves that you can make now to ensure that you will have a comfortable retirement? Consider basing your financial moves on chess strategies. You can adapt chess maneuvers to put your finances in order and prepare for retirement. Download this financial podcast to learn a how to apply chess moves to your finances. Longer lifespans mean longer retirements. Therefore, in order not to run out of money, it’s critical to prepare properly. For more about preparing for retirement in the “age of longevity,” listen to my interview with Professor Andrew Scott, author of The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of... Click for more
by Douglas Goldstein | Sep 5, 2017 | Decision Making, Financial Plan, Podcasts |
Do you need a perfect plan to be a successful investor? You might be surprised to hear the answer is NO! It’s possible to be a successful investor, even without the perfect plan. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing as a “perfect plan” since investors need to be flexible enough to react to market changes. Action is the key to becoming a successful investor. Compare it to a successful chess player who doesn’t spend the whole game dreaming about the best moves. He acts while the clock is ticking. Act now, and listen to this podcast about how to be a successful... Click for more
by Douglas Goldstein | Aug 22, 2017 | Decision Making, Financial Strategies, Podcasts |
When is the best time to invest? When the markets go up or down? This financial podcast explains why timing the market may not be the best investing strategy. The best chess players don’t let their emotions affect their performance on the board. Learn how to transfer that knowledge to the finance world, and get tips on how to be objective when making financial... Click for more
by Douglas Goldstein | Aug 8, 2017 | Asset Allocation, Financial Strategies, Podcasts |
One way of strategic investing is to buy ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). Sometimes investors are worried about risk, and as a result, limit their choices of ETF to local companies that they already know. Learn about the wide range of ETFs that you can choose from, and why playing a defensive chess game of chess (or being too conservative with your investments) is not always enough in order to succeed. Click here to learn about the different varieties of... Click for more
by Douglas Goldstein | Jul 25, 2017 | Decision Making, Podcasts |
When looking to invest in great mutual funds or make any other investment decisions, understand what “survivorship bias” and “creation bias” are and how these can become potential pitfalls. Biased decision-making can also affect the world of chess. Listen to learn what biases you should look out for both in investing and on the chessboard. For more about investing in mutual funds, read... Click for more