The results are in – these are your favorite posts from 2015!

Just finished analyzing the 2015 stats, wanted to make sure that you caught the most popular blogposts:

  • My Favorite Magnus Carlsen Quote– Carlsen talks about the importance of intuition. But there is a delicate balance between needing to rely on intuition and analysis. Read more to determine when you should apply which skill to the situation at hand.
  • How to Talk to Kids About Money Money is like sex. If you don’t actively teach your kids the right facts, they’ll pick up all sorts of information on the street. Read more to learn the best ways to teach your kids about money.
  • Five Easy Tactics to Organize Your Estate – Ironically, there are many parallels between organizing your end game (your estate) and to organizing a proper chess opening. Read more to learn how to strategically place your pieces in estate planning.

If you prefer listening to podcasts, make sure you listen to our most downloaded podcasts:

And your favorite page on our site?

Of course, the “buy” page got lots of hits. But second to that, was the chess quote page.

As a matter of fact, that page was so popular that we decided to make a printable poster book of the quotes. Let us know if you want a copy even before we begin to advertise it!


Douglas Goldstein, co-author of  Rich As A King: How the Wisdom of Chess Can Make You A Grandmaster of Investing, is an avid chess fan, international investment advisor and Certified Financial Planner (CFP®).